Undigested trauma is ours to hold and care for.
Just Being
There is a kind of congruence in simply being here.
The Body Remembers
The collapse of this vulnerable structure I had worked so hard to keep together didn’t happen all at once but when it happened it was catastrophic.
Welcoming Fear
Fear is a small contraction in a vast and unconditional Universe. You are not that tight and restricted contraction. That tight and restricted contraction lives in you.
Quietly Attentive
We don’t have to force our traumatized minds and bodies into abeyance to notice the silent background of our existence. It’s here right now.
Love Calls Us Home
A beautiful and intimate journey from survival to simply being here.
Attunement with Nature
I have noticed that as I heal the disconnect in my own traumatized physiology I am coming more into attunement with nature.
Nervous system work is sensitive, nuanced and complex. It requires a skilled practitioner who knows how to be steady, gentle and attentive.
Steeped in Goodness
Steeped in Goodness: Poetry by Candace Kirby
Dorsal Vagal Shutdown or The Freeze Response
Our species is so cruel and rejecting of things we don’t understand.