We don’t have to force our traumatized minds and bodies into abeyance to notice the silent background of our existence. It’s here right now.
Love Calls Us Home
A beautiful and intimate journey from survival to simply being here.
Attunement with Nature
I have noticed that as I heal the disconnect in my own traumatized physiology I am coming more into attunement with nature.
Nervous system work is sensitive, nuanced and complex. It requires a skilled practitioner who knows how to be steady, gentle and attentive.
Dorsal Vagal Shutdown or The Freeze Response
Our species is so cruel and rejecting of things we don’t understand.
Waking up with Anxiety
Tending to my physiology with slowness and loving compassion is one of the greatest gifts I have learned to give myself. It is especially important when anxiety is here.
Bridging the Gap
What else would love do but gather up all her abandoned parts and love them back to life again.
The Underworld
When strong emotions like anger or rage are exiled into the underworld of our psyche they only get stronger, more distorted and more persistent.
Little Nudges
When we pay attention to the little nudges we are being guided towards a much deeper and more significant reality than we see on the surface.
Always the Same
Mostly I don’t have a clue what to do next so I listen and when it becomes clear that action is required I act but not one second before.