Two pairs of flip flops lined up side by side at the back door. A tiny little hand made door mouse that I bought last week perched on the keyboard of my computer looking up at me in sweet innocence. A cup of coffee that is starting to get cold and a green felt pen. Rosary beads and a remote control. A solemn Santa ornament that brings a quality of dignity to the room. I look to him when I want to connect with my grown up serious self. Everything is appearing in the space of right now. Everything infused with the light of awareness.
I feel my seat on the couch and feet on the floor. A warm and cozy blanket on my lap. Ground. It took me a long time to find my ground here in the present moment. To land here. Because of childhood trauma I had no capacity to regulate my own nervous system. I was extremely dependent on others. There are times when I find myself triggered back into a frantic survival state but it doesn’t last very long. I have learned what my physiology needs to come back to a state of equilibrium.
Attuning to my nervous system is multi-layered; attuned, gentle, kind, compassionate, slow and patient. I can regulate my own nervous system now. I am no longer at the mercy of others for safety, validation or belonging. This is the longest and the most arduous journey I have ever taken.
I’ve always felt challenged this time of year by the consumerism and incongruence of the ways we celebrate Christmas. This year I find myself unable to engage in anything that pulls me away from my own integrity. When I use the word integrity I am pointing to a state of being undivided. I have no interest in pretence. I can’t bear it. Pretending sends my nervous system into high alert. It’s a disconnect that my nervous system can no longer tolerate. My system longs for safe, slow, simple, kind and genuine interactions.
There is a kind of congruence in simply being here. I am not demanding that the present moment be anything other than how it is and the present moment is only ever inviting me to be here as I am. I can be a complete mess and look around and see that nothing, absolutely nothing, is asking me to be any different. I feel held in the warm embrace of right now.
Holding you in gentle compassion.
All of Candace’s services are Trauma, PTSD, Complex Grief, Chronic Illness and Benzo withdrawal symptom sensitive.