I was in the kitchen making dinner last night when I heard my little dog, Maisie, cry out in pain.  I’ve only ever heard that sound once before so I knew immediately what it was.  Her dew claw was caught in a crocheted blanket on the couch.  I ran as quickly as I could from the kitchen and I could see that she was caught and every time she pulled away it hurt her.  Her instinct was to run but she couldn’t. 

I knew what to do so I just sat down beside her and immediately started to reassure her and loosen the tension on her dew claw.  There was still a lot of flight energy in her so I had to put a fairly secure pressure on her little body to stop her from flailing.  Just the right amount to not cause her any unnecessary panic.  I had to stay calm.  I could feel her nervous system calming as I tried to find where she was caught.  It was tricky.  It was a combination of steady presence; reassurance; gentleness and holding her while also holding the blanket firmly so she couldn’t pull on it and hurt herself more.  Once she settled a bit I began to feel my way for where the wool was caught around her claw.  I could tell she was still in high alert but trusting me. 

I was holding her little body firmly in place while gently whispering to her and feeling around for where she was caught.  I finally traced my way back to where the wool was wrapped around her claw, released a little more pressure and just like that it let go and she was free.  Immediately her body sprang into action and she ran around the house releasing all that pent up energy.  She was so happy and jumped up and down from my lap several times in pure gratitude.  And just like that it was done.  I felt around her foot for any residual pain and there was none.  She didn’t pull away or flinch at all. 

I thought about this later in the evening when I crawled into bed and how this so perfectly describes the nervous system work I do.  We get caught and then we cry out in pain because every time we pull away it hurts more.  Our instinct is to run but we can’t because we’re caught.  We need someone who understands this and can help free us from the bind we’re in.  Someone who can calmly sit with us until we stabilize and then and only then begin to gently trace our way back to the source of where we’re caught.  We need someone who won’t push and pull in ways that create more pain and suffering.  Someone who is gentle, patient and kind.  Someone who understands that the body releases when there is less pressure and tension.  Someone who knows how to soothe and settle the frightened physiology.  Someone we can trust to meet us right where we’re caught because we don’t know how to do it alone.  Someone who celebrates our victories and continues to check in with us for residual pain. 

Nervous system work is sensitive, nuanced and complex.  It requires a skilled practitioner who knows how to be steady, gentle and attentive.  I hope you will consider checking out my upcoming Events or inquiring into my Private Sessions. 




All of Candace’s services are Trauma, PTSD, Complex Grief, Chronic Illness and Benzo withdrawal symptom sensitive.

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