I heard that there were
only days and a requestÂ
for me to visit.
only days and a requestÂ
for me to visit.
The stillness in the room
was palpable as if even
the furniture knew
it was coming.
The two cats
her most loyal and fierce companions
stood guard by the bed as if
my very presence would hasten
her going.
Her voice only a quiet
whisper spoke of struggle
and a desire for peace.
Her desire to go was fatigued
by the waiting.
I held her hand
as the cats nudged me away
and settled in closer.
It was as if they knew better than I
what she needed.
She slept I leaned in
and stroked her brow
as I got ready to go.
I bowed to her guardians in gratitude
for their loyalty and devotion.
© Candace Kirby