“When you are excluded or rejected, your life inevitably tends to narrow into a concern and sometimes an obsession with that exclusion and the attempt to change that.” ~ John O’Donohue
“Our bodies know that they belong; it is our minds that make our lives so homeless.” ~ John O’Donohue
Whether you are new to these kind of practices or a seasoned practitioner you are welcome to join us. The practices are simple and direct and the shared space is safe, warm and welcoming.
“Candace embodies gentleness, warmth and sincerity that invites settling and deep rest. The nurturing slowness and softness of her voice communicates, “it’s safe here.
Her particular focus on the role of the nervous system in healing trauma and spiritual awakening allows her students to meet the past as it arises in the unconditional body of right now.”
Candace will guide the group in gentle neurosensory (nervous system) practices and engage in dialogue and questions with participants.
“Thank you for guiding us. Your guidance is like a lantern in the dark woods.”
I am so grateful that even though you play the role of a teacher you are always a person first. I love and appreciate that about you! ~ Participant
I look forward to welcoming you into this safe and sacred space.
Love, Candace